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Brevo vs ActiveCampaign

Brevo vs ActiveCampaign 2024 – Which is best for Email Marketing?

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  • Post last modified:August 6, 2024

Brevo vs ActiveCampaign In this detailed comparison of , we explore which email marketing and automation platform is best suited for your business needs. With email marketing playing a crucial role in digital marketing strategies, choosing the right platform is essential. Our ActiveCampaign review highlights its advanced features, while Brevo offers a cost-effective and user-friendly solution. Read on to discover how these platforms compare in terms of features, pricing, ease of use, and customer support, helping you make an informed decision for your marketing efforts.

Overview and Background

The absolute most imperative thing adding to your marketing is picking the best email automation & Marketing platform. We are going to present in this segment the general information and historical past of Brevo and ActiveCampaign, tracing returned their history, missions, among other marketplace positions.


Founded in 2012, the company has launched its flagship product Brevo (originally Sendinblue) to democratize marketing tools for small and medium businesses. The platform relaunched as Brevo in 2023, this time providing a range of services beyond email marketing to help build CRM and manage all communications between you and your clients from multiple channels like Email campaign, SMS campaign, Chat. Breezy has a purpose of making efficient marketing accessible to all the businesses by allowing them ti create powerful consumer relationships, simplified user-friendly interface and pocket-friendly pricing.


Founded in 2003, ActiveCampaign]is one of the principal platforms that delivers an integrated marketing automation and CRM solutions. With powerful automation, it is ideal for businesses looking to create personalized experiences. As it combines marketing automation, email-marketing and CRM into a single tool; It is the best fit to streamline your sales and marketing processes. This one focuses on how ActiveCampaign Offers massive digital growth using simple tools

Reputation and Market Position

Small to medium-sized businesses Benefit a lot from the affordability and ease with which it can be deployed, Brevo is really popular among them. Their platform is flexible enough to meet a wide array of marketing demands. On the other hand, ActiveCampaign is known for its powerful automation and CRM tools that cater to businesses with more sophisticated marketing needs or custom experiences.

Once businesses understand the backgrounds of Brevo and ActiveCampaign, they can choose a platform that aligns with their marketing goals.

Features and Functionality

Email Marketing and Automation Platforms – it is important to know what email marketing feature has been offed by each platform while selecting the best one. Core Features and Functionality with Comparison to Brevo versus ActiveCampaign a.


With a set of several other digital marketing tools, Brevo is one holistic platform designed for your every need. Key features include:

1 – Email Marketing: Brevo provides an email editor, templates are fully customizable and responsive. Build personalized emails with drag & drop editor + advanced segmentation option

SMS Campaigns: create and manage SMS marketing campaigns for connecting with your customers directly.

Live Chat: Brevo offers live chat to talk with real-time website visitors, boost customer support and conversion rates.

Brevo CRM: Brevo has its native CRM system assisting businesses to handle customer relationships, monitor interactions and smoothen sales pipelines.

Money Marketing Automation: Create email and SMS campaigns to be sent out automatically at a time that maximizes effectiveness.

Landings Pages: The platform has created a builder for designing landing pages to increase lead generation efforts.

Example Transactional Emails : Brevo supports sending all type of transaction email and deliver most relevant communication to your customer at the right time


This tool is best known for its advanced automation and CRM functionality ActiveCampaign. Key features include:

Email Marketing: This includes a powerful email editor, customizable templates, A/B testing as well as advanced segmentation

Workflow and Marketing Automation: Workflow automation is another top ActiveCampaign feature which helps you create complex workflows for automating various marketing tasks based on customer behavior or interaction.

CRM: An integrated CRM system helps manage sales pipelines, deal tracking and full customer profiles.

Sales Automation: Tools for automating sales operations are available, such as lead scoring, task assignment and deal tracking (ActiveCampaign)

Website Tracking – User ability to track activity in visits on their websites, thus understanding how customers behaving and what they want.

Messaging: The platform is capable of SMS marketing and in-app messaging, offering 2 methods to contact your customers.

Integrations: [ActiveCampaign lists its vast number of third-party integrations, a list that it is less scannable and specific than others]

Comparison of Feature Sets

Brevo while ActiveCampaign both offer extensive features, but tackle different marketing problems. Brevo best suits small/medium-sized businesses seeking a cost-effective, all-in-one marketing solution. It offers all the necessary things for email marketing, SMS campaigns, chat and CRM in one package at a customer-friendly price.

On the other hand [ActiveCampaign| is suitable for businesses who need more sophisticated automation and CRM capabilities. Its comprehensive CRM and sales tools along with robust automation functionality make it popular among organizations that wants to run high-end marketing campaigns, such as personalized customer journeys.

So, to sum it up they are very similar in feature sets which is good for marketing purposes of all kinds like Brevo and ActiveCampaign. The variety among them and make your pick according to the objective you want to reach, correlating positively between simple request to complex marketing decision.

Note : Appsumo Reviews:Best 5 Products That Lived Up To The Hype

Pricing and Plans

Price is a Huge Concern when you choose an Email Marketing and Automation Platform. Pricing and Plans Comparision of Brevo vs ActiveCampaign & their Cost Structures, Worth the cost or Not? – Part III


Pricing – Brevo provides different pricing plans targetted to suit various business requirements and budgets. Their plans grow with your business and are quite customizable so you can adjust accordingly as your businesses grows. Key pricing details include:

Brevo has a free plan for you that allows up to 300 emails per day, an unlimited number of contacts and all basic functions like email campaigns or SMS marketing as well as minimal automation.

Starter Plan: $25/month – Includes 20,000 emails per month with advanced statistics and A/B testing.

Business Plan (Starting at $65/month): Offers 100,000 monthly emails along with premium features like advanced automation and segmenting.

Enterprise Plan: Request custom pricing for businesses requiring over 100,000 emails per month and additional features like a dedicated account manager and advanced reporting.

Brevo is priced with no secrets to hide. Their plans are pretty much flexible which, in turns helps businesses to pick the service level that suits their needs perfectly.


They offer multiple pricing options depending on your business needs. ActiveCampaign They have comprehensive plans that contain most of the features you could want in a hosting package. Key pricing details include:

Lite Plan: This plan starts at $29 per month and includes email marketing, as well as market automation up to 500 contacts.

Plus Plan: This costs $49 per month and has everything included in the Basic plan, as well as CRM with sales automation, groups & lead scoring for up to 1,000 contacts.

This one costs $149 per month and includes site messaging, predictive sending, customer attribution reporting for up to 2,500 contacts.

Enterprise Plan: Ideal for larger businesses and custom plans – pricing will vary depending on the specifics, including unlimited email sending, multiple team members reporting under one roof, and a dedicated account rep.

New users can explore the capabilities of ActiveCampaign for 14 days before opting into a paid plan.

Value For Money and Cost-Effectiveness

Brevo offers good value for functionality, and this has to be weighed against the cost (it is probably more expensive than ActiveCampaign.

Brevo: A great all-in-one marketing solution for small to mid-size businesses that doesn’t break the bank. Its free plan is especially suitable for startups and small companies since it offers basic functions for nothing.

ActiveCampaign: Recommended for companies that need more complex automation and CRM functions. While this comes at a higher price, Miraget offers an even larger array of features and more advanced tools that are well worth the expense for businesses with such requirements.

Free Trials & Money-Back Guarantees

Brevo: Free to use with, unlimited free plan – forever limited functionality.

[ ClickFunnels Vs ActiveCampaign ]: Free Trial On The Other Hand, They Offer 14 Days Of FREE TRAIL For POTENTIAL USERS ( START YOUR EXPERIENCE WITHOUT ANY MONEY COMMITMENT )

User Interface and Ease of Use

One thing that sets these FFF 3D printers apart is the interface.

The Last step, (User Interface and Ease of Use) the user interface impacts usability which is one important factor to consider while choosing Email Marketing + Automation Platform. This is the part where we will do some comparison in terms of User Interface (UI) and overall usability between Brevo vs ActiveCampaign.


With the simplicity and usability of Brevo, this control is a wind. Its UI is clean, well documented and easy to use for any tech level user.

Dashboard – The dashboard of Brevo is everyone to see a tightly focused summary on vital statistics and performance. Different features and tools are accessible from the main menu easily for users.

Drag-and-drop Email Editor: Brevo’s email editor helps you create responsive, beautiful emails with no experience in coding. With the help of an intuitively designed editor, custom templates can be laid out effortlessly keeping in mind your branding efforts.

Ease Of Navigation: User-friendly and easy navigation on the platform to search for features. No matter what part of email marketing you are working on – building a new campaign, creating an automated workflow or reviewing reports; everything is super smooth.

Mobile Accessibility: Moreover, the interface of Brevo is well-suited for mobiles or tablets which helps in overseeing one’s campaigns any time. This kind of flexibility can save time for marketers on the go who might have to make quick updates or check in performance fromc anywhere.


ActiveCampaign has a powerful and fully-featured interface that is somewhat more complicated than Brevo, but may include offers for users who are skilled at shopping.

DashBoard: It shows all Panel at first look, and how much information you want to see![HubSpot still can’t get this right because there is a limit on leads displayed]. The dashboard is also customizable, enabling users to emphasize the data most important to them.

Email Editor: Like Brevo, ActiveCampaign offers a simple yet powerful drag-and-drop email editor and template library. For anyone looking to use MailerSend with more advanced customization, the editor also includes additional options.

Navigation: opposed to the frighteningly organized design, whilst các users who nẽwantame daughter secosy issue CAM dễ he discovered that Configuratio cam them too complex DARI learn. After getting used to the layout it should enable users to easily procure and use strong tools.

Automation Builder Automation feature of ActiveCampaign is very impressive. Users are able to easily build complex automation flows due to the visual workflow editor, which leads towards a deeper level of customization and control.

Mobile Accessibly: ActiveCampaign Responsive Design with Mobile App access to manage your campaigns and automation workflows on-the-go.

Learning Curve And User Experience

Brevo (T)Designed to be the simplest of all, Brevo has negligible learning curve. With its user-friendly interface, you can start using it easily and manage your marketing activities effectively.

We see a little nuance in ActiveCampaign because it seems the most complex, but offers tutorials and guides that make up for any lack of assistance from direct customer service. The advanced features make up for the admittedly harder to learn interface, as those most likely need more automation and do a bit of CRM.

Email Marketing Capabilities

So now you know sites must have a good email marketing campaign in place to add even more depth and provide the trigonometric angles that are necessary for Digital strategy. In this article, we’ll also be particularly comparing the email marketing capabilities of both Brevo and ActiveCampaign, with a special focus on functionalities, flexibility in customization, as well as tracking performance.


Brevo is an all-in-one email marketing software that makes it easy to create and manage your email campaigns for everyone.

Drag-and-drop Email Editor: Brevo provides a drag and drop email editor, easy to use and flexible enough. They provide an array of templates that can be customized to accommodate any design requirements by those without coding experience.

Read recipients: Emails can be customized using dynamic content blocks that display personalized information for each user based on their preferences and behavior.

List management and segmentation: Brevo is again leading in the list part of both lists as well. If you want to get more granular, you can build higher depth segments based on a myriad of criteria like demographics, purchase history or level of engagement. This allows for tailored content of specific user-groups.

One typical campaign optimization tactic that Brevo has embraced as per the trend is A/B testing. Not sure what subject line or email content works with your audience, test and opt to send the emails when open rates are highest.

Automations — with Brevo, users can configure automation settings to create email sequences that trigger on user actions or are scheduled. Which is vital to most of the lead nurturing and keeping engagement alive.

Analytical and reporting:- It provides deep data analytics like efficiency of an email in terms open rates, click through rate, the bounce sample etc. This allows users to iterate and get better at their future campaigns.


ActiveCampaign is a favorite among the serious email marketers with impressive marketing automation features for those looking to create complex campaigns.

Email Editor: there’s a drag-and drop email editor with many different templates to choose from in ActiveCampaign. Email designing with advanced customization options but minimal customizations

Personalization: ActiveCampaign is a beast when it comes to email personalization, taking CRM data and serving up super targeted and tailored emails. This includes dynamic content as well that personalizes the product-based recommendations.

Segmentation — The platform has very strong segmentation capabilities, supported by the processing of complex behavioral and demographic data. This makes the emails more appropriate for each person.

A/B Testing: ActiveCampaign provide a full suite of A/B testing options that allows users to test more than one variable at once. This helps to determine which elements of their email campaigns are working the best.

Automation ActiveCampaign clearly has the most powerful automation. Users can build intricate workflows that trigger email sequences, depending on different triggers and conditions. This entails intricate marketing automation to nurture leads and produce conversions.

Analytics and Reporting – The platform delivers robust analytics, reporting capabilities. 70+ Metrics Tracked: Email Engagement, Conversion Rates & ROI This data-packed reports help in making better Email Marketing decisions.

Automation and CRM Tools

The automation and CRM tools are essential for the proper maintenance of buyer-seller relationships as well as to track marketing practices. So, in this section we will be comparing the automation tools that Brevo and ActiveCampaign offer for CRM purposes – taking into consideration their respective features, usability etc.


Brevo combines robust features such as automation and CRM systems that are dedicated to helping you spend less time on marketing & sales.

Automation Features: Brevo supports automated workflows to feed off user interactions like email opens, clicks and form fills. This is where these workflows come in to help by nurturing leads, sending personalized messages and keeping engagement consistent.

Workflow Builder: A user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for designing workflows It allows users to see and complete intricate automation sequences in addition to easy usage of it.

Pre-Built Templates: To get you started quickly, Brevo offers a range of pre-built automation templates for common activities like welcome emails and abandoned cart reminders to post-purchase follow ups. They reduce time taken on setting up automation and make sure that any user can easily achieve scalable automations through making the most of these templates.

CRM Tools — The built-in CRM software in Brevo organizes the business customer information, tracks interactions and monitors sales pipeline. It provides a single database to store all customer details and previous conversations with them.

Lead Scoring: The platform comes with a feature to let you score leads that make it easier for you in prioritizing respondents according to their engagements, and interactions on your campaigns. They make sure that sales teams are spending time on the most lucrative leads.


ActiveCampaign is consistently rated one of the best in automation for CRMs with highly advanced tools designed to serve businesses that have detailed customer management and require complex, automated systems.

ActiveCampaign active campaign automation features Build complex workflows to automate your marketing, sales & customer service_process by using drag and drop interface. It can be based on various conditions to trigger automation like customer behavior, demographics or engagement and more.

Graphical Automation Builder: This feature allows users to build complex workflows in no time via a drag-and-drop interface. This tool is going to allow for a multi-step automation with branching logic, which are things that you can use in order to create customer journeys.

Automation Recipes Pre-built: provides a library of prebuilt automation recipes that users can customize and define to their specifics. The recipes use workflows for lead nurturing, customer onboarding and re-engagement campaigns.

CRM Tools – ActiveCampaign includes a useful, unobtrusive small-business CRM. It streamlines customer data management, sales deals and automated sales transactions. The CRM is highly integrated with the automation system, which allows smooth flow of activities between marketing and sales.

Lead Scoring and Predictive Content: ActiveCampaign Finally, Active Campaign includes advanced lead scoring features to identify your hot prospects with predictive content tools that will enable you to get the correct message in front of them. These are based on machine learning to enhance targeting and personalization.

Automation Vs CRM Tools

Brevo vs ActiveCampaign BOTH are great all-in-one solutions; each better suited for different application and business size

Brevo: Best for small to medium-size businesses seeking an easy-to-use, cost-effective option. Moreover, its automation and CRM tools are simple to initiate as well as handle hence a valid option for firms that require active marketing automation but without complications.

ActiveCampaign: For businesses that need more robust automation and CRM functionality. Its granular tools and powerful automation builder make it an excellent choice for businesses with intricate marketing processes that require a high level of customization and control.

Resources & Customer Support

It goes without saying that you need excellent customer support and a wide range of resources to get the most out your email marketing platform. In this part, we will compared Brevo and Activecampaign customer support & resources in terms of availability, responding time to tickets or issues raised from the reseller / user perspective support quality.

Customer support: The team of Brevo provides a few ways to contact the customer in order for better understanding and using the expertise.

Brevo Support: Brevo support is through email and a ticketing system. While there is no offer for a live chat or phone support, their email responses are rather timely.

Brevo Help Center: The Brevo Help Center has an array of articles, guides and FAQs. It covers topics from newbie to intermediate and allows the users to find answers by themselves.

How-to Guides and Tutorials- Brevo provides a ton of how to guides that are deliberately easy but thorough on their explanations. These are resources that explain features of the platform and how to automate a user’s email marketing.

Community Forum: Brevo has a lively community forum where users can ask questions, post their experiences and even get advice from other existing members. This peer-to-peer support can be all you need to quickly learn or solve a problem.

Periodic Webinars and Workshops: Hosted by Brevo to educate users more about the platform, as well as how they can upgrade their marketing strategies. It will help you stay alert of world changes, new features etc. which are instructed in these sessions


ActiveCampaign — one of the leaders in total customer support and all-around resource offerings for users to make full use of its features.

Support Channels: ActiveCampaign provides you with email, live chat and phone support that users can resort to help. Their customer support will also be quite quick and helpful;

Knowledge Base:The Help Center by ActiveCampaign is a detailed, well-organized knowledge base that covers everything from getting started to advanced topics with written articles alongside video tutorials and guides. This book will be a valuable resource for both new and experienced users.

Implementation Assistance: ActiveCampaign offers dedicated implementation help for new customers to set up their account and grasp the platform step by step. This is particularly useful for those businesses that are transitioning from another platform, or entirely new to email marketing automation.

Under training and certification: Here the platform provide profound to shallow down skills building programs. These are educational resources that have been developed to enable the user earn mastery over ActiveCampaign email marketing and automation practices.

Community: ActiveCampaign also has quite a large online community, with active forum users and social media groups. These communities can be very helpful in sharing ideas, learning from others and actually having someone to give you feedback.

Weekly Webinars & Events: ActiveCampaign regularly hosts webinars and virtual events, discussing marketing automation strategies or new feature releases in the intensive industry. Users can also benefit from this information by being aware of these events and enhancing their campaigns.

Customer Support & Resources Comparison

These include state-of-the-art help and resources for both Brevo NetSuite SuiteApp users ActiveCampaign]which appeals to different types of user needs or preferences.

Brevo -Email and good through knowledge base The community forum and regular webinars provide more support for those who lean towards self-help or have return questions.

You Have A Live Chat And Phone Help System In ActiveCampaign The customized onboarding, in-depth training materials and active community involvement make it best for businesses with need more of a hand-holding or dedicated resource.

ETC: Both Brevo & ActiveCampaign have dedicated customer support and resources available to help users get the most bang for their platform buck. Which one you go with depends on the amount of support you think is necessary and how comfortable you are getting help or learning from things. This will help you to choose a platform that fits your business needs based on the support structures available for each.


This extensive comparison will guide you through the salient features of Brevo vs ActiveCampaign and how they stand against each other based on your business requirements. Both of these platforms are feature-rich when it comes to email marketing and automation, yet they serve different markets and needs.

Summary of Key Points

Introduction and Background: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses Brevo can offer your customers the simplicity of approach that they are seeking without breaking their budgets. ActiveCampaign performs best in its advanced feature set, which would be a good fit for businesses who have access to developers and tech-savvy users.

Features: Both platforms offer email marketing basics, but ActiveCampaign]shines with its robust automation and CRM capabilities that deliver more flexibility and power.\

Pricing and Plans: Brevo has easy to understand pricing, with good prices that are reasonably affordable for even the smallest businesses. For the many more advanced features it offers – including some only offered by highly specialized tools, ActiveCampaign is the priciest ActiveCampaign pricing available and justified in being so due to its capabilities.

User Interface and Ease of Use: The user-interface is highly simple in Brevo while the UI from ActiveCampaign might appear a bit more complex to ensure that advanced features can be utilized once planning spends enough time on learning about those.

Email Marketing Features: Both platforms are among the best for email marketing with Brevo providing a simple solution and ActiveCampaign both able to do more advanced personalization, segmentation etc.

Automation and CRM Tools: ActiveCampaign: for top automation, active campaign leads with robust automations including detailed workflows and customer relationship management. Brevo has good automation features that are easier to use.

Customer Support and Resources: ActiveCampaign The customer support options with both platforms are great, but overall, we find that Active Campaign offers the superior resources and a little more hand-holding — which is best suited for businesses.

Final Verdict

Brevo vs ActiveCampaign offers powerful email marketing with automation features, but which is the most suitable for your business will depend on whether price or quality comes into play. Who Brevo is best for: Affordable, easy-to-use features make this a solid option for small to medium-sized businesses. On the other hand, it is more effective for businesses in need of powerful automation and CRM tools who are ready to pay with a sophisticated platform like ActiveCampaign.